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Exercise for Obesity Patients

Exercise for Obesity PatientsIn normal adult males, fat tissue accounts for approximately 15% to 18% of body weight, while in females, it is around 20% to 25%. Obesity refers to a ...

Exercise for Obesity Patients

In normal adult males, fat tissue accounts for approximately 15% to 18% of body weight, while in females, it is around 20% to 25%. Obesity refers to a condition where excessive food intake and reduced physical activity lead to an imbalance in energy intake and expenditure, resulting in an accumulation of large amounts of fat in the body. This abnormal increase in fat tissue causes the body weight to exceed the normal value by more than 20%, leading to a state of overweight that can adversely affect health. Obesity can be classified into two types: simple obesity and secondary obesity. Simple obesity is the most common form and accounts for about 95% of obese individuals. It is caused mainly by overeating and lack of exercise. The fat distribution in such individuals is relatively uniform, without morphological or functional abnormalities in the nervous or endocrine systems, and there are no metabolic disorders. A family history of obesity is often present in these cases. Secondary obesity, on the other hand, is caused by diseases or other factors such as endocrine dysfunction, psychological and emotional factors, etc. While these individuals also exhibit excessive fat deposition, their main clinical symptoms are related to the primary disease, and obesity is just one of the important symptoms. The following guidelines are mainly for individuals with simple obesity.

(1) Objectives of Exercise for Obesity Patients

Exercise significantly increases energy expenditure, accelerates the utilization of excess body fat, reduces the accumulation of endogenous fat, and helps to reduce body weight. It improves the regulation of metabolism by the neuroendocrine system, stimulates fat metabolism, and reduces the accumulation of fat tissue. Exercise also enhances lipoprotein lipase activity, which promotes the mobilization of fat in adipose tissue, reduces triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Moreover, exercise enhances the overall physical fitness of patients, helps prevent and counteract complications.

(2) Key Points for Exercise in Obesity Patients

First, the primary goal of exercise for weight loss is to pursue health, and not to compromise health. Before starting a fitness exercise, beginners must undergo necessary medical examinations to assess cardiac function, rule out cardiovascular complications, and conduct endurance tests to determine the optimal exercise heart rate range for safe weight loss exercises.

Second, while engaging in weight loss fitness exercises, it is essential to change unhealthy lifestyles. Combining exercise with dietary improvements and appropriate caloric intake restrictions is the most effective weight loss plan. It can be expressed in a formula as: Weight loss = Moderate exercise + Proper dietary control + Lifestyle changes.

Third, fat deposition in the body occurs gradually, and eliminating this fat also requires a process. Generally, it takes at least 6 weeks of exercise to see noticeable results. Before starting a fitness exercise, individuals should choose an exercise they are interested in and can persist with in the long term. They can also vary the fitness exercise method periodically. Consistency is crucial in weight loss efforts, and they should be mentally prepared to endure hardship; avoiding hasty approaches. Gradual progression is recommended, with the exercise load gradually increasing, and sudden large increases in exercise volume or sudden cessation of exercise should be avoided.

Fourth, choose a suitable fitness exercise program and control the exercise volume based on subjective feelings. Generally, exercise should be performed more than 5 times a week, with each session lasting 30 to 60 minutes. Regularly check your own body and weight, evaluate the effects of the exercises, and continuously improve the fitness exercise program. If significant fatigue, disrupted sleep, or persistent muscle soreness occurs, adjust the exercise program promptly, or stop exercising if severe discomfort arises.

(3) Selection of Exercise for Obesity Patients

Currently, dynamic and rhythmic aerobic exercises involving large muscle groups, such as therapeutic walking, jogging, hiking, swimming, cycling, water exercises, etc., complemented by aerobic fitness exercises, square dancing, tai chi, and various ball sports, help maintain energy balance. Long-term exercise can help obese individuals reduce weight and maintain it without rebounding, and it can also improve cardiopulmonary function. Obese individuals can also freely choose exercises based on their age, physical condition, and interests.

Aerobic exercises are the primary method for weight loss, and priority should be given to low-impact, low-variation, non-weight-bearing activities, such as water aerobics, cycling, etc., as they reduce the risk of joint injuries and falls and are easier for obese individuals to accept. Water exercises are considered one of the most promising rehabilitation and weight loss exercises because they reduce joint stress, and the thermal conductivity of water allows heat to dissipate easily during exercise. In addition to swimming, there are various forms of water exercises, such as walking, running, jumping, treading water, and ball games.

However, practice has shown that weight loss achieved solely through aerobic exercise without incorporating muscle strength training and muscle stretching exercises often results in reduced body weight and decreased fat, but also loose and sagging skin, which lacks aesthetic appeal. Therefore, combining aerobic exercise with strength training and muscle stretching exercises is now considered the ideal weight loss method for simple obesity. It can better reduce body fat, improve body shape, enhance muscle strength, and improve insulin resistance, leading to weight loss results more in line with modern beauty standards and awareness.

Strength training primarily involves movements of the trunk and major limb muscles, and exercises can include sit-ups, squats, push-ups, etc., using body weight as resistance. Exercise equipment, such as dumbbells, resistance bands, etc., can also be used. Those with weaker bodies can choose fitness aerobics, radio gymnastics, etc. Muscle stretching exercises can be divided into active stretching and passive stretching. Stretching exercises help to coordinate ligaments, muscles, and joints more smoothly, reducing the possibility of injury. Active stretching relies on contracting muscles to keep the body in a specific position. Regular practice can increase the flexibility of movements and muscle strength. Passive stretching generally requires the use of equipment to maintain the limbs in a certain stretched position. At the beginning of practice, slow and relaxed stretching should be performed, and the range of stretching should be controlled to avoid injury. After exercising, various stretching exercises can be performed during relaxation, which can help obese individuals further shape their bodies. Additionally, fitness line dance can significantly reduce body fat and improve waist-hip ratio, as well as enhance physical function and overall physical fitness, making it a weight loss method worthy of promotion.

Compared to obesity patients, individuals who are overweight have a wider range of exercise options. They can choose low to moderate-intensity activities such as brisk walking, long-distance swimming, or opt for slower-paced exercises like slow jogging, cycling, aerobic dance, dancing, and ball sports based on their personal conditions. Overweight individuals with good physical fitness and younger age can choose more intense and fast-paced activities with higher levels of resistance, such as volleyball, tennis, basketball, and football. Those with poorer physical fitness, higher degrees of overweight, or older age should choose lower intensity and slower-paced ball games, such as table tennis, golf, etc.

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