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what is trampoline gymnastics

Trampoline gymnastics, also known as trampolining, is a competitive sport that involves performing acrobatic movements and routines on a trampoline. It combines elements of gymnast...

Trampoline gymnastics, also known as trampolining, is a competitive sport that involves performing acrobatic movements and routines on a trampoline. It combines elements of gymnastics, tumbling, and aerial maneuvers to create a visually stunning and dynamic display of athleticism.

In trampoline gymnastics, athletes perform a series of jumps, flips, twists, and other aerial tricks on a specially designed competition trampoline. The trampolines used in this sport are larger and more powerful than recreational trampolines, allowing for higher jumps and greater rebound.

Competitive trampolining is governed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) and has specific rules and guidelines for competitions. The sport is divided into individual events, synchronized events, and double mini trampoline events.

Individual Event: In the individual event, gymnasts perform a routine consisting of compulsory and optional elements. Compulsory elements are predetermined skills that must be included in the routine, while optional elements allow gymnasts to showcase their creativity and individual style. The routines are judged based on difficulty, execution, height, and form.

Synchronized Event: Synchronized trampoline involves two athletes performing identical routines simultaneously on two adjacent trampolines. The gymnasts must synchronize their movements and perform the skills in perfect unison, aiming for precise timing and symmetry.

Double Mini Trampoline (DMT) Event: DMT combines elements of trampolining and tumbling. Athletes perform a series of tumbling passes on a small trampoline, then transition to a higher elevated mini trampoline to execute aerial tricks such as flips and twists. The routine concludes with a dismount onto a landing mat.

Trampoline gymnastics requires strength, coordination, flexibility, and exceptional body control. It demands precise timing and spatial awareness to execute complex aerial maneuvers with accuracy and grace. Safety is of utmost importance, and athletes train extensively to develop proper technique and body awareness to minimize the risk of injury.

Trampoline gymnastics is a visually captivating sport that showcases the athleticism and artistry of the performers. It is featured in international competitions, including the Olympic Games, where athletes demonstrate their skills and compete for medals in front of a global audience.

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