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What is the best fitness for menopausal women?

Fitness Exercise for Menopause Women(I) Objectives of Menopause Fitness ExerciseDuring menopause, women experience physiological changes due to hormonal fluctuations, often leading...

Fitness Exercise for menopause Women

(I) Objectives of Menopause Fitness Exercise

During menopause, women experience physiological changes due to hormonal fluctuations, often leading to symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, and palpitations. These physical symptoms can subsequently cause psychological phenomena such as anxiety, suspicion, pessimism, and lack of self-confidence. Women may become easily irritable and experience poor mood, leading to a vicious cycle. Therefore, the main purpose of fitness exercise during menopause is to slow down the decline in women's physical function caused by menopause, prevent weight gain, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It also helps regulate the nervous system, stimulate thinking, maintain a state of physical and mental relaxation, eliminate negative emotions during menopause, create a healthy and positive psychological state, and achieve the effect of balancing mental functions.

(II) Key Considerations for Menopause Fitness Exercise

Before exercising, warm-up activities should be performed to prevent symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness that may occur during sudden intense exercise. After exercise, cool-down activities should be done to gradually restore the body to a normal state, facilitating the adjustment of the body's organs and preventing adverse effects on the body.

Regardless of the type of fitness exercise chosen, it is important to exercise all muscles, joints, and other parts of the body. However, excessive exercise is detrimental to health, as it can lead to fatigue and even damage to internal organs or the body. Therefore, proper rest should be observed during exercise. The principle of moderate activity should be followed, emphasizing lightness, gentleness, and stability. In the early stages of physical exercise, it is better to do less and do it slowly, gradually increasing the amount of exercise. Fast, rotating, or bending movements or movements that may lead to falls should be avoided during exercise.

Select the exercise time scientifically. Morning is the best time for exercising as the air is fresh and spirits are high. It is not advisable to exercise immediately after a meal. Resting for 1-2 hours before exercise is more suitable.

As the exercise volume increases, it is necessary to replenish nutrition and fluids in a timely manner. While maintaining regular exercise, the body will consume a significant amount of calories. If nutrition is not adequately replenished, it can affect normal metabolism. Therefore, it is important to have a balanced diet, increase protein intake, and consume more fruits and vegetables to achieve the effect of health promotion and maintenance during exercise.

(III) Selection of Menopause Fitness Exercises

When choosing fitness exercises during menopause, the first consideration should be personal interest. Physical exercise is a long-term fitness activity, and if the exercise is not chosen based on personal characteristics or does not align with one's interests, it becomes difficult to maintain consistency. Women who enjoy physical activities can choose activities such as hiking, swimming, dancing, or social dancing. Women who prefer a quieter environment can opt for qigong, tai chi, or yoga. In addition, it is beneficial to include both strength training and flexibility exercises to maintain muscle strength and elasticity.

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