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What is Metabolic Syndrome? How is Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome Prevented and Treated?

What is Metabolic Syndrome? How is Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome Prevented and Treated?In recent years, metabolic syndrome has become a clinical focal point. It refers to the pathol...

What is Metabolic Syndrome? How is Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome Prevented and Treated?

In recent years, metabolic syndrome has become a clinical focal point. It refers to the pathological and physiological phenomena of certain abnormal metabolic conditions in children, primarily encompassing diabetes or impaired glucose regulation, general or central obesity, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, trace albuminuria, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, how to identify pediatric metabolic syndrome early and promptly implement reasonable preventive and treatment measures is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.

Currently, the incidence of pediatric metabolic syndrome in China is also on the rise, and prevention must start with dietary adjustments. Analyzing human evolution, it's evident that humans are not carnivores. The diet should mainly consist of plant-based foods, often referred to as a primarily vegetarian diet. Based on the characteristics and functions of the gastrointestinal tract developed through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, China's dietary culture is characterized by "agricultural dietary culture," focusing on grains and vegetables, and cooking methods primarily involving steaming and boiling. This diet aligns with the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract, proving superior to the meat-based diets and barbecuing habits of Western countries and pastoral areas.

Obesity serves as the foundation for metabolic syndrome, and childhood obesity is a significant health issue of the 21st century that has drawn global attention. According to the 2002 "Nutrition and Health Status of Chinese Residents" survey, the childhood obesity rate in large cities has reached 8.1%. Epidemiological analysis of overweight and obese school-age children and adolescents in China shows that the growth rate exceeds 1.5 times every five years. Analyzing hospitalized obese children, results indicated that around 75% had a positive family history (including obesity, hypertension, diabetes). Lifestyle plays a more vital role, as 100% of obese children exhibited unhealthy habits, including excessive food intake, improper dietary structure, and inadequate exercise.

Below are the prevention and treatment strategies for metabolic syndrome.

Primary Intervention: Changing unhealthy lifestyles serves as a frontline preventive measure against obesity and metabolic syndrome. The Intel Information Technology Summit advocates a healthy lifestyle, including appropriate calorie restriction, increasing physical activity, and altering dietary structure. This involves consuming more whole grains and high-fiber foods, replacing saturated fatty acids or trans fats with unsaturated fatty acids. Research confirms that weight and body fat reduction are dependent on physical activity. Patients should choose suitable light or moderate-intensity exercises based on their circumstances and medical guidance. Activities like walking, cycling, and swimming for 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week, are recommended, with special emphasis on engaging in exercise after dinner for better weight loss results.

Secondary Intervention: For individuals with insignificant effects from lifestyle interventions or those in a high-risk state, combined drug therapy may be necessary. Currently, metformin has been approved by the US FDA and the European Union for treating type 2 diabetes in adolescents. It is believed to increase insulin sensitivity, help with weight loss, and improve lipid metabolism.

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