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Why Does Aerobic Exercise Trump Endurance Training for Weight Loss?

Why Does Aerobic Exercise Trump Endurance Training for Weight Loss?Weight loss revolves around the depletion of fat, a process achievable solely through physical activity. Taking b...

Why Does Aerobic Exercise Trump Endurance Training for Weight Loss?

Weight loss revolves around the depletion of fat, a process achievable solely through physical activity. Taking brisk walking and jogging as examples of aerobic exercises, during the initial 5 to 10 minutes of exercise, the energy consumed primarily comes from the muscle glycogen. Human bodies possess limited glycogen reserves, which are typically depleted within approximately 5 to 10 minutes. After this initial phase, the body begins tapping into fat reserves for energy. Consequently, it is advisable for weight loss exercises to be sustained for at least 30 minutes.

A comparative study highlights the superior efficacy of aerobic exercises over endurance training in weight loss. The research participants were divided into two groups: one engaged in aerobic exercise and the other in endurance training. The aerobic exercise group followed a program involving moderate-to-low intensity exercises that elevated heart rates to 70% to 85%, for approximately 45 minutes, three days a week. The endurance training group also exercised for the same duration and frequency. The study spanned eight months. The results revealed that individuals participating in either aerobic exercise or a combination of aerobic and endurance exercises experienced greater weight loss compared to those solely engaged in endurance training.

Interestingly, the outcomes of endurance training enriched muscle tissue, which paradoxically led to weight gain with no alteration in waist circumference. Conversely, those participating in aerobic exercise or a combination of aerobic and endurance training observed a reduction in waist circumference due to fat expenditure. Previously, the consensus was that weight loss predominantly stemmed from endurance training. However, this study underscores the limited perspective of such belief. Therefore, for those aiming to increase muscle mass and strength, endurance training remains a viable option. However, if weight loss is the objective, incorporating a substantial duration of aerobic exercise proves more effective. Such exercises not only deplete surface fat but also internal visceral fat, contributing to both cardiac and overall well-being.

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