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What is the best training split for bodybuilding?

The best training split for bodybuilding can vary based on individual preferences, goals, and training experience. Here are a few common training splits used in bodybuilding:Push-P...

The best training split for bodybuilding can vary based on individual preferences, goals, and training experience. Here are a few common training splits used in bodybuilding:

Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) Split: This split divides training into three main categories: push exercises (chest, shoulders, triceps), pull exercises (back, biceps), and leg exercises. It typically involves training each category on separate days, allowing for ample rest and recovery between muscle groups.

Sample PPL Split:

Day 1: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps)

Day 2: Pull (back, biceps)

Day 3: Legs

Day 4: Rest

Repeat the cycle

Upper/Lower Split: This split focuses on dividing training between upper body and lower body workouts.

Sample Upper/Lower Split:

Day 1: Upper Body (chest, back, shoulders, arms)

Day 2: Lower Body (legs, glutes, calves)

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Upper Body

Day 5: Lower Body

Day 6-7: Rest or additional training if desired

Body Part Split: This split involves dedicating separate training days to specific muscle groups or body parts.

Sample Body Part Split:

Day 1: Chest

Day 2: Back

Day 3: Shoulders

Day 4: Legs

Day 5: Arms (biceps, triceps)

Day 6-7: Rest or additional training if desired

It's important to note that these are just a few examples, and there are many variations and combinations you can use. The key is to find a split that allows you to effectively train each muscle group while providing adequate rest and recovery. Additionally, incorporating progressive overload (gradually increasing weights, reps, or sets) and varying exercises can help stimulate muscle growth and prevent plateaus.

It's recommended to consult with a qualified fitness professional or personal trainer who can assess your specific needs, goals, and training capacity to help you design a customized training program.

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