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Is it better to walk or run on a treadmill?

Treadmill Walking and RunningTreadmill walking and running refer to fitness exercises performed on a treadmill, combining brisk walking and jogging. The posture for both brisk walk...

treadmill Walking and Running

treadmill walking and running refer to fitness exercises performed on a treadmill, combining brisk walking and jogging. The posture for both brisk walking and jogging requires an upright body position, natural arm swinging, slightly bent knees, and moderate tension in the waist muscles. The speed starts from around 3-4 kilometers per hour and gradually increases until the desired speed is reached.

I. Fitness Value

Walking and running on a treadmill provide a convenient way to control exercise speed. The fitness benefits are similar to outdoor brisk walking and jogging, primarily focusing on enhancing cardiovascular fitness, burning excess calories, improving muscle strength and endurance, and regulating psychological well-being.

First, walking and running on a treadmill engage multiple muscles, particularly increasing activity in the lower limb muscles, resulting in improved strength and endurance. The increased blood circulation during exercise effectively enhances cardiovascular fitness and promotes significant calorie expenditure, aiding in fat loss.

Second, regular treadmill walking and running can regulate the body's endocrine system, alleviating stress, improving mood, and enhancing mental well-being.

II. Suitable Population

Treadmill walking and running are suitable for individuals without lower limb joint diseases or pain and without lower back pain.

III. Site and Environmental Requirements

Whether in a professional fitness facility or at home, the treadmill should be placed on a stable surface with sufficient flat space around it, preferably in a well-ventilated area. If the treadmill does not have an emergency stop device, there should be adequate space on both sides to allow for immediate stepping off to prevent accidents or falls.

IV. Key Precautions

First, it is recommended to wear running shoes while walking or running on a treadmill to reduce vibration and impact. Appropriate sportswear should also be worn.

Second, the speed adjustment varies among individuals, typically maintaining one speed for 2-3 minutes before gradually increasing it after adaptation.

Third, treadmill exercise is not suitable for older adults, individuals with mental illnesses, or those with poor balance abilities.

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