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What are the Causes of Obesity in Children and Adolescents?

What are the Causes of Obesity in Children and Adolescents?1. Genetic Factors:Obesity can be hereditary, with hundreds of genes related to obesity. If parents exhibit symptoms of o...

What are the Causes of Obesity in children and Adolescents?

1. Genetic Factors:

Obesity can be hereditary, with hundreds of genes related to obesity. If parents exhibit symptoms of obesity, the probability of their children being obese is relatively higher.

2. Dietary Factors:

Children and adolescents often lack nutritional knowledge and self-discipline. They tend to choose high-fat, high-sugar foods with good taste and enjoy snacks. These unhealthy eating habits can lead to both nutritional imbalances and energy surplus, resulting in obesity.

3. Exercise Factors:

The academic pressure on children and adolescents is high, and they often spend prolonged periods using electronic devices. They also face issues of prolonged sitting in their study and daily life. Additionally, they lack necessary awareness and knowledge of proper exercise and fail to develop regular exercise habits. Insufficient physical activity leads to an energy surplus.

4. Psychological Factors:

Children and adolescents are more sensitive psychologically and experience significant emotional fluctuations. When exposed to external environmental stimuli, their mental and physiological balance can easily be disrupted. Some children and adolescents may turn to excessive eating as a way to cope with negative emotions, leading to obesity.

5. Sleep Factors:

Children and adolescents should ensure 9 to 10 hours of sleep each day. Lack of sleep can affect hormone secretion and metabolic regulation, consequently leading to obesity.

In order to prevent and address obesity in children and adolescents, it is essential to address these factors and promote healthier lifestyles encompassing balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and sufficient sleep.

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