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Fundamental Understanding of Fitness

Fundamental Understanding of Fitness(I) The Meaning of FitnessFitness aims to enhance physical fitness, promote overall well-being of the body and mind, utilizing physical activity...

Fundamental Understanding of Fitness

(I) The Meaning of Fitness

Fitness aims to enhance physical fitness, promote overall well-being of the body and mind, utilizing physical activity as a fundamental method. It employs various approaches from sports, medicine, healthcare, and more to positively impact the body, improving health conditions, and establishing a proactive lifestyle.

(II) The Essence of Fitness

The essence of fitness can be comprehended from several perspectives:

Firstly, fitness is a societal and cultural phenomenon. Throughout human history, fitness has developed in tandem with the emergence of human society.

Secondly, fitness is a form of human societal practice. It signifies the process of self-improvement and development of the human body. It's an indispensable societal activity rather than a mere conceptual notion. Ultimately, it must be carried out in practical form through physical engagement. Activities devoid of practical involvement can't be considered fitness, as fitness necessitates prolonged practice to ascertain its efficacy, without which the desired fitness outcomes cannot be achieved.

Thirdly, fitness is a purposeful and directed social activity. Its focus is on humans themselves rather than any other entity, making its orientation inherently self-directed.

Fourthly, fitness relies upon physical activity as its fundamental method. This stands as a core characteristic and essence of fitness, forming the pivotal source of its multifaceted effects and functions.

Fifthly, fitness must encompass three factors: physiological, psychological, and social adaptation. Since the subject of fitness is the human being, and humans exist as both physical and social entities, possessing dual attributes of nature and society, achieving fitness goals requires consideration of physiological, psychological, and social adaptive capacities.

Lastly, fitness is closely intertwined with life. Originating from daily existence, fitness elevates day-to-day activities while also reciprocally influencing one's everyday life. Examining the genesis and progression of fitness, it represents the refinement of regular life activities and crystallizes through production labor and everyday routines, thereby serving life itself.

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