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What are the effective ways for children and adolescents to reduce body fat?

What are the effective ways for children and adolescents to reduce body fat?Aerobic exercise is an effective method for reducing body fat. It is generally recommended for children ...

What are the effective ways for children and adolescents to reduce body fat?

Aerobic exercise is an effective method for reducing body fat. It is generally recommended for children and adolescents to engage in 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activities, such as running, swimming, and cycling, as these activities effectively burn body fat. The proportion of energy derived from fat increases with the duration of exercise. Therefore, it is essential to engage in aerobic exercise for a sufficient amount of time to achieve better fat reduction results. However, exercise duration should not be overly long, as excessive exercise can lead to the breakdown of proteins for energy, which hinders muscle growth and is also detrimental to fat reduction.

Furthermore, a well-balanced combination of other exercise modalities, such as strength training, is essential. During the recovery period after exercise, the body requires more energy than during a state of rest, and fat serves as the primary source of this energy. Strength training can increase muscle mass and elevate the body's resting metabolic rate, leading to greater fat expenditure after exercise and achieving better fat reduction results.

In addition, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a good choice for fat reduction. From an energy expenditure perspective, HIIT not only burns a significant amount of calories per unit of time during exercise but also leads to a strong "afterburn" effect, enabling the body to burn more fat post-exercise. Additionally, HIIT incorporates intervals of rest, allowing the body to recover to some extent and helping to avoid exercise discomfort.

Effective methods for fat reduction

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