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What is the "Exercise Pyramid"?

What is the "Exercise Pyramid"?The "Exercise Pyramid" is a classification of different types of physical activities based on their frequency, intensity, and dur...

What is the "Exercise Pyramid"?

The "Exercise Pyramid" is a classification of different types of physical activities based on their frequency, intensity, and duration. It offers a comprehensive guide to help individuals create a well-rounded and balanced exercise routine.

Category One: Everyday Activities

Engage in several exercise sessions throughout the day, with a total accumulated time of more than 30 minutes. The intensity should be moderate.

These activities include walking, climbing stairs, cycling to work, gardening, doing household chores, shopping, and more.

Category Two: Stretching Exercises

Perform stretching exercises 5 to 7 times per week, with each session consisting of 6 to 10 movements held for 30 seconds each, with a stretching sensation felt in the muscles.

These exercises mainly involve yoga and stretching routines.

Category Three: Aerobic and Recreational Activities

Exercise 3 to 5 times per week, with each session lasting over 30 minutes and of moderate to high intensity.

Aerobic activities include jogging, cycling, swimming, hiking, aerobic dance, and fitness classes. Recreational activities include sports such as tennis, basketball, and golf.

Category Four: Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Work out 2 to 3 times per week, with each session consisting of 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 exercises with a slightly higher intensity than the muscles' normal workload.

These exercises involve activities like sit-ups, push-ups, and resistance band workouts.

Category Five: Sedentary Activities

Limit sedentary activities to no more than 60 minutes at a time.

These activities include watching TV, using the computer, and studying.

By following the "Exercise Pyramid," individuals can develop a well-balanced exercise routine that includes a variety of activities to improve overall physical fitness and well-being.

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