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Office Yoga: Press and Stretch Pose

Office Yoga: Press and Stretch PoseThe Press and Stretch Pose helps invigorate the wrists and fingers, massages the base of the thumb and tendons, and relieves the burden on the ha...

Office yoga: Press and Stretch Pose

The Press and Stretch Pose helps invigorate the wrists and fingers, massages the base of the thumb and tendons, and relieves the burden on the hands and shoulders.

1. Sit on a chair with legs apart.

● Sit with your feet apart, place your palms between your legs, press them against the chair seat with your fingertips pointing outward.

2. Lean the upper body forward and press the hands on the chair.

● Slightly lean the upper body forward, keeping the palms in contact with the chair seat.

3. Lift the hips off the chair seat.

● Lift the hips slightly off the chair, hold for a moment, then sit back down on the chair, keeping the palms in contact with the seat.

4. Reverse the hands, with fingertips pointing inward.

● Reverse the hands with fingertips pointing inward, pressing them against the chair seat.

Office yoga: Seated Twist Pose

This pose massages acupoints on the shoulders and back, enhances chest muscles, and slims the waist, achieving multiple benefits at once.

1. Sit on a chair with an upright posture.

● Sit with your hands resting on your knees.

2. Lift the right leg and place it on the left leg.

● Place the right leg on top of the left leg.

3. Twist the upper body and look backward.

● Twist the upper body to the right side, keep the waist straight, support the chair back with your right hand, and place your left hand on the right knee. After a brief pause, switch sides and twist to the left. Change legs and repeat the movement.

Office Yoga: Side Bend Pose

Crossing the legs and bending sideways helps eliminate excess fat on the thighs and provides a good stretch for the armpits.

1. Stand beside a chair with legs crossed.

● Stand with legs crossed and close together, while the left hand holds the chair back.

2. One hand holds the chair, and the other hand supports the head.

● The right hand supports the head.

3. Bend the body to one side and stretch the waist.

● Bend the upper body to the left side. Switch hands and direction, and repeat the movement.

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