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Office Yoga: Chair Pose

Office Yoga: Chair PoseThis pose enhances body balance and stability, strengthens the thighs and ankles, flexes the back muscles and spine, and increases shoulder flexibility and c...

Office yoga: Chair Pose

This pose enhances body balance and stability, strengthens the thighs and ankles, flexes the back muscles and spine, and increases shoulder flexibility and chest expansion. It is highly suitable for those who spend long hours sitting at a desk.

1. Stand with arms raised.

● Stand naturally with feet shoulder-width apart, raise both arms straight up, parallel to the ears.

2. Bend both knees and squat deeply.

● Bend both knees and squat down slowly until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold for a moment.

3. Shift the weight backward and maintain balance.

● Shift the hip joint backward, forming a right angle between the upper body and thighs, knees, and feet pointing straight forward. Hold for 30 seconds.

Office yoga: Eagle Pose

This pose relieves back muscle soreness, stretches the muscles and ligaments of the hip joint, and helps improve focus and balance. You can adjust the degree of knee bending according to your flexibility.

1. Stand with arms crossed in front of the body.

● Stand naturally with feet together, arms crossed in front of the body.

2. Forearms wrap around, palms pressed together.

3. Slightly bend both knees, wrap the calves.

● Raise the left forearm in front, bring the right arm under the left arm and wrap the right forearm around, palms pressed together in front of the face.

● Slightly bend both knees, cross the left leg behind the right leg, hooking the left calf around the right calf, shifting the weight to the right leg. Look straight ahead, keep the upper body upright, and hold for 30 seconds. Switch hands and direction, repeat the movement.

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