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Yoga: Leg-Lifting Pose

Yoga: Leg-Lifting PoseThis pose helps relax the hip joints, alleviate back pain, and reduce waistline fat. If you can't reach your toes with your hands, you can use a towel to ...

yoga: Leg-Lifting Pose

This pose helps relax the hip joints, alleviate back pain, and reduce waistline fat. If you can't reach your toes with your hands, you can use a towel to hook around your ankle and hold onto the towel.

1. Lie on your side, keeping your body vertical.

● Lie on your side on the Yoga Mat, support your head with the left hand, place the right hand on the floor in front of the chest, keep the legs together, and maintain a straight body alignment.

2. Bend the right leg and lift it up.

● Slowly bend the right knee and lift it upward, with the right hand placed on the knee.

3. Hold the right foot with the right hand and straighten the right leg.

● Use the right hand to hold the right big toe, straighten the right leg upward, hold for a moment, then switch sides and repeat the movement.

yoga: Cow Face Pose

This pose helps burn back fat, relieve shoulder and neck soreness, beautify the chest, and increase pelvic and knee joint flexibility.

1. Cross the legs, both knees in a straight line.

● Sit on the yoga mat, cross the right leg over the left leg, with the heel close to the thigh, and both knees in a straight line as much as possible, with the tops of the feet flat on the floor.

2. Bend the left hand and place it behind the head.

● Raise the left hand, bend the elbow, and place it behind the back.

3. Hold the left hand from below and interlock with the right hand.

● Place the right hand behind the back as well, and interlock the hands from below. Hold for a moment, then switch sides and repeat the movement.

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