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Office Yoga: Back Kick Pose

Office Yoga: Back Kick PoseThe Back Kick Pose consists of two parts that exercise the muscles in the hips, legs, and abdomen, helping to shape the curves of the lower body....

Office yoga: Back Kick Pose

The Back Kick Pose consists of two parts that exercise the muscles in the hips, legs, and abdomen, helping to shape the curves of the lower body.

1. Stand with hands holding the chair back, left foot stepping back.

● Stand with your hands holding the chair back or table, slide the left foot back, keeping the toes on the ground.

2. Lift the left leg backward and upward.

● Lift the left foot as high as possible. Switch legs and repeat the movement.

3. Raise both arms, bend the knees, and lift the left leg forward.

● Maintain an appropriate distance from the chair, raise both arms, and lift the left leg while bending the knee.

4. Keep the upper body level with the left leg.

● Bend the upper body forward, with both hands holding the chair back, open the left leg backward, parallel to the ground, maintaining balance. Switch legs and repeat the movement.

Office yoga: Back Prayer Pose

People who often work at a desk need to stretch their shoulders regularly. This pose expands the chest, corrects poor posture caused by incorrect sitting, enhances the flexibility of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists, massages the spine, and strengthens the back muscles. When working at a desk for long periods, practice this pose every 1 to 2 hours.

1. Stand with legs spread wide apart.

● Stand naturally with your feet about shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, and let your shoulders relax.

2. Cross and clasp both arms behind your back.

● Lift the left foot as high as possible. Switch legs and repeat the movement.

3. Join your hands in prayer behind your back.

● Clasp your palms together behind your back, with fingertips pointing upward, and hold for 30 seconds.

4. Bend forward, touch your forehead to your leg.

● Bend forward and try to touch your left leg with your forehead. Hold for a moment, straighten up, then bend forward again and touch your forehead to your right leg.

Office Yoga: Squat Pose

This pose helps improve the relaxation and weakness of the muscles in the waist, abdomen, and hips, prevents lumbar spine diseases, and enhances balance and control.

1. Stand with feet apart.

● Stand naturally with your feet apart, slightly wider than shoulders, toes pointing outward, keep your waist straight, and place your hands on the sides of your body.

2. Clasp both hands with palms facing outward.

● Interlock your fingers with palms facing outward, and stretch your arms straight.

3. Keep your back straight and squat down.

● Keep your back straight, squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground, and hold for 30 seconds.

4. Stand up and relax.

● Keep your back straight, stand up by lifting your body, and relax your whole body.

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