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Yoga Practice Do's and Don'ts

Yoga Practice Do's and Don'tsWho is yoga suitable for? What precautions should be taken? Can you practice yoga during special times such as illness, pregnancy, or menstruat...

yoga Practice Do's and Don'ts

Who is yoga suitable for? What precautions should be taken? Can you practice yoga during special times such as illness, pregnancy, or menstruation? After understanding the following precautions, you can enter the world of yoga more confidently and quickly, experiencing the charm of yoga.


During practice, avoid attempting movements that cause excessive pain or discomfort. After the practice, allow your body temperature to return to normal through relaxation before taking a shower.


Avoid rushing and try to perform each step properly, gradually progressing and proceeding in an orderly manner. Do not compare yourself with others, only compare yourself with your past self, maintaining a happy and relaxed mindset while building self-confidence.


During yoga practice, it is essential to use proper breathing techniques and gently attempt various poses.


If practicing yoga during pregnancy, avoid increasing abdominal pressure and seek guidance from a professional yoga instructor. You can start practicing before pregnancy to facilitate postpartum recovery.


If you have high blood pressure or heart disease, avoid prolonged standing and backward bending poses. If you have knee issues, avoid kneeling and bending backward movements. For problems with the head, neck, or back, be cautious when performing shoulder stands and other inversions. For spinal and intervertebral disc issues, exercise caution during forward bends, side bends, or spinal twists. For osteoporosis or back stiffness, be careful during stretching, twisting, backbends, and inversions.


Yoga is not equal to beauty treatments or medical cures. Do not assume that yoga can cure all ailments or act as a panacea. Yoga can be beneficial for maintaining good health, preventing illness, and improving mental well-being for healthy, sub-healthy, and recovering individuals. If you have a serious medical condition, consult a physician or a qualified yoga instructor before practicing yoga.

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