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What is the difference between shoulder flexion and extension yoga?

Shoulder Yoga Expansion ExerciseBenefits:Relieves shoulder soreness and stiffness, fully relaxing the shoulders, and improves blood circulation in the shoulder and back areas.Allow...

Shoulder yoga Expansion Exercise


Relieves shoulder soreness and stiffness, fully relaxing the shoulders, and improves blood circulation in the shoulder and back areas.

Allows the shoulders to move freely, beneficial for practicing yoga poses.



Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back. Lightly place the fingertips of both hands on the shoulders, keeping the upper arms parallel to the ground and gaze straight ahead.

Repeat the movement 3 times.


Keep the fingertips in place, and bring both arms to the front of the chest with the elbows facing each other.


Move both arms to draw circles upwards, opening the shoulders as wide as possible.


Rotate both arms clockwise, trying to make the elbows trace the largest circles possible. Perform 4 clockwise circles and then 4 counterclockwise circles.


Shoulder flexion and extension are two different movements that involve the shoulders in yoga:

Shoulder Flexion:

Shoulder flexion is the movement of lifting the arms forward and upward, bringing them closer to or above the head. This movement occurs in yoga poses like Downward-Facing Dog, Warrior I, and Tree Pose. In these poses, the arms are extended overhead or slightly in front of the body. Shoulder flexion stretches the front of the shoulders and chest while engaging the upper back muscles.

Shoulder Extension:

Shoulder extension is the opposite movement of shoulder flexion. It involves moving the arms backward and downward, away from or behind the body. Poses that utilize shoulder extension include Cobra Pose, Locust Pose, and Bridge Pose. In these poses, the shoulders are drawn back, and the chest opens, stretching the front of the body and engaging the muscles in the upper back.

In summary, shoulder flexion involves lifting the arms forward and upward, while shoulder extension involves moving the arms backward and downward. Both movements play an essential role in various yoga poses, helping to improve flexibility, strength, and posture in the shoulders and upper body.

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