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Deep Breathing Yoga: Bridge Pose

Deep Breathing Yoga: Bridge PoseBenefitsSlimming PrincipleEffectively stretches the spine, exercises spinal flexibility, and relieves tension and stiffness in the spine....

Deep Breathing yoga: Bridge Pose


Slimming Principle

  • Effectively stretches the spine, exercises spinal flexibility, and relieves tension and stiffness in the spine.

  • Stimulates the functions of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys, eliminates excess water from the body, addresses constipation issues, and reduces edema.


1 Lie on your back with both legs extended and together, arms naturally placed at the sides, palms facing down.

2 Bend both knees, bringing the heels as close to the hips as possible, and maintain even breathing.

Repeat 3 times

3 Inhale, grip both ankles with your hands, tighten your waist and abdomen, and lift your thighs, hips, waist, and back, keeping them parallel to the ground. Form a bridge shape with your body, and keep your head still. Maintain the pose for 30 seconds.

Increasing the Difficulty ↓↓

If you have a certain level of yoga foundation, after achieving the ultimate position of the bridge pose, you can slowly extend one leg upward, tighten the toes until the leg is perpendicular to the ground.

4 Adjust your breathing, slowly lower your back and hips to the ground, massage your abdomen with your hands, and relax your entire body.

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