Home/Learn yoga/Facial Yoga: Tone Facial Muscles and Say Goodbye to the Moon Face

Facial Yoga: Tone Facial Muscles and Say Goodbye to the Moon Face

Facial Yoga: Tone Facial Muscles and Say Goodbye to the Moon FaceMany girls desire to have a small oval face, as a petite face can enhance their charm and is an essential treasure ...
  • Facial yoga: Tone Facial Muscles and Say Goodbye to the Moon Face
  • Facial Yoga: Yoga Compass
  • Yoga Compass Cheek Drumming
  • Yoga Compass Acupressure
  • Facial yoga: Tone Facial Muscles and Say Goodbye to the Moon Face

    Many girls desire to have a small oval face, as a petite face can enhance their charm and is an essential treasure to increase their elegance. This set of yoga exercises is beneficial for improving facial contours and skin health, helping you get rid of your moon face and quickly achieve a delicate and tender oval face.

    Facial Yoga: Yoga Compass


    • Massages the glands in various parts of the face, helping to reduce facial wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, and improving voice quality.


    Best Practice Time: Anytime

    Best Practice Frequency: 3 times

    Convenience Level: ★★★★★

    1. Slowly tighten all the facial muscles, close your eyes tightly, and arch your lips upward.

    2. Perform the opposite movement by opening your eyes and mouth as wide as possible while stretching your tongue outward.

    Yoga Compass
    Cheek Drumming


    • Increases the elasticity of facial muscles through cheek movements.


    Best Practice Time: Morning

    Best Practice Frequency: 3 times

    Convenience Level: ★★★★★

    1. Perform the action of blowing up a balloon by holding air in your mouth and forcefully puffing out your cheeks with closed lips.

    2. Contract the cheek muscles firmly, feeling the facial muscles concaving inward.

    3. After vigorously rubbing the palms to generate heat, place the four fingers (excluding the thumbs) beside the corners of the mouth, gently rubbing the cheeks from bottom to top.

    4. Stop the movement when massaging to the corners of the eyes. Use the index, middle, and ring fingers to press the sides of the eyes, release while inhaling, and press while exhaling.

    Yoga Compass


    • Continuous contraction of facial muscles between opening and closing the mouth improves facial contours and promotes facial blood circulation.


    Best Practice Time: Anytime

    Best Practice Frequency: 6 times

    Convenience Level: ★★★★★

    1. Press the lower part of the temples with the palms of both hands for 3 to 5 seconds.

    2. Exhale while pressing the palms and opening the mouth wide.

    3. Inhale while relaxing the palms and closing the mouth tightly. Repeat this exercise 6 times. Press the fingertips from the earlobe to the chin for a 10-second exercise.

    Please indicate the address of this article for reprint https://www.sportshealthprogram.com/learn-yoga/202307761.html

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