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How to Recharge with Yoga During Lunchtime

How to Recharge with Yoga During LunchtimeWhether you are a working professional or a student, you have probably experienced that post-lunch sluggishness. As the saying goes: "...

How to Recharge with yoga During Lunchtime

Whether you are a working professional or a student, you have probably experienced that post-lunch sluggishness. As the saying goes: "Spring sleep, autumn fatigue, summer slumber, and winter snore." Walking around all day looking sleep-deprived won't impress your boss, clients, or teachers. If you can spare some time during your lunch break to do yoga, it will undoubtedly uplift your mood, boost your energy, calm your mind, and enhance your problem-solving abilities. In social interactions, productivity, and efficiency at work or study, you'll find a noticeable improvement.

Scapula Stretch

This is an excellent exercise for relieving shoulder blade discomfort. During the movement, be mindful not to spread your feet too wide. When your hands are clasped and your legs are extended, you'll feel a delightful massage sensation in your shoulder blades. While holding the position, you can twist your upper body slightly to massage different areas of your back.

1. Bend forward, place the left hand behind the foot

● Stand on a Yoga Mat, gaze forward, maintain a straight waist and shoulders, relax your shoulders and neck, and keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, extend both legs, and face the right side. Pass the left hand through the gap between both legs and place it behind the right foot.

2. Slightly bend both legs, place the right hand behind

● Slightly bend both knees, place the right hand behind the back.

3. Straighten both legs, clasp hands together

● Clasp both hands behind your back, interlock your fingers, and slowly extend both legs. Hold for a moment.

4. Switch to the left hand and repeat the above movement

● Switch hands and directions, repeat the above movement.

When bending forward, be sure not to hunch your back. Instead, fully stretch your back, allowing your waist, chest, and face to gradually come into contact with your thighs. This position is beneficial for slimming the waist and legs, relieving constipation, and maintaining the health of internal organs.

Half Lotus Back Stretch

1. Seated position, both legs extended, fingertips opposing

● Sit on a yoga mat, gaze forward, maintain a straight waist and back, and extend both legs together. Place both hands on your thighs with fingertips opposing and palms facing upward.

2. Bend the left leg, place the left heel against the lower abdomen

● Place the left foot on the right thigh, with the left heel pressing against the lower abdomen (slightly below the navel).

3. Alternatively, place the left foot on the right thigh

● If you find the above position difficult, you can place the left foot on the right thigh instead.

4. Raise both arms, stretch the spine

● Inhale and raise both arms, extending them on both sides of your head, stretching the spine, and expanding the chest.

5. Bend forward, touch the forehead to the shin

● Exhale, bend forward, and fully touch your forehead to your shin. Keep both legs straight. Hold for 15 seconds. Slowly raise your upper body and repeat the same movement on the other side.

Chest Expansion

This set of exercises can eliminate fatigue in the shoulder blades. Engage your core and lift your hips. Regular practice can help create a well-proportioned figure.

1. Stand with feet slightly apart

● Stand tall, relax your whole body, keep your feet slightly apart, and let your arms hang naturally at your sides.

2. Slightly squat, clasp hands behind the back

● Slightly bend your knees and squat down a bit. Keep your knees together. Clasp your hands behind your back with fingers interlocked and palms facing upward.

3. Lift arms, expand the chest

● Look up, raise your arms behind your back, and expand your shoulders and chest as much as possible. Hold for a moment.

Front Lift Pose

This posture is beneficial for toning the abdomen, preventing anterior pelvic tilt, reducing pressure on the knees, slowing down knee joint degeneration, and beautifying the legs.

1. Seated position, toes touching the ground

● Sit on a chair, both legs together, toes touching the ground, and place both hands on the edge of the chair.

2. Lift both hands and legs forward

● Lift both feet off the ground and release your hands from the chair. Extend your hands forward, palms facing upward, and raise them to shoulder level.

3. Lean the upper body back, lift the legs upwards

● Slightly lean the upper body back, extend the legs diagonally upward, keep the waist straight, and the tops of the feet stretched. Hold for a moment.

Enhanced Side Stretch

Expand the chest, stretch the spine, strengthen the thigh muscles, eliminate abdominal fat, improve posture, and increase wrist flexibility. If you cannot clasp your hands behind your back, you can cross your arms behind your back and hold your elbows instead.

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

● Stand on a yoga mat with feet shoulder-width apart, maintain a straight waist and back, and let your hands hang naturally at your sides.

2. Clasp hands behind the back

● Clasp both hands behind your back with fingertips pointing downward and open up your shoulders.

3. Rotate hands upward, fingertips pointing upward

● Keep your hands clasped and rotate them inward, so your fingertips are pointing upward, and both hands are positioned between your shoulder blades.

4. Turn the body to the left, toes follow the movement

● Turn your body to the left, point your left toes to the left side, and slightly turn your right foot inward. Keep your upper body straight.

5. Keep the legs still, tilt the head backward

● Maintain the position of your body and tilt your head as far back as possible.

6. Bend the upper body forward, touch the forehead to the shin

● Slowly bend the upper body forward, touching your forehead to your shin without bending your legs. Hold for 30 seconds. Slowly straighten your upper body and repeat the same movement on the other side.

Shoulder Mobility Pose

While arching your back, do not use force in your arms. Let your waist gradually rise. This pose helps relax your shoulders and neck, stretch your limbs, relieve pressure on the lower back and hips, and alleviate fatigue.

1. Lean forward, both hands supporting the chair back

● Gently lean forward, supporting the chair back with both hands, lift your head, and look straight ahead.

2. Lower your head, stretch the waist downward

● Lower your head, face the ground, and stretch the waist downward. Release the chair back, arch your back, and slowly rise.

Leg Pulling Pose

Improves the flexibility and strength of the legs. This set of exercises requires a high level of balance and flexibility. When starting, do not rush and stay focused to avoid falling.

1. Stand with legs straight and together

● Stand on a yoga mat with both feet together and both legs extended. Place both arms at your sides.

2. Lift the right leg, right hand holds the right foot

● Shift your weight to the left foot, bend the right knee, and lift the right leg. Use your right hand from the inside to grip the right ankle, and extend your left hand upward.

3. Lift the right leg as high as possible

● Slowly lift the right foot as high as possible. Keep your gaze forward, slightly lean your upper body forward, and let your left arm follow the movement. Hold for 15 seconds. Slowly lower your right foot and return to Step 1. Switch legs and repeat.

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