Home/Learn yoga/One-Week Yoga Plan: Tuesday, Strengthening Cardiovascular System, Igniting Vitality

One-Week Yoga Plan: Tuesday, Strengthening Cardiovascular System, Igniting Vitality

One-Week Yoga Plan: Tuesday, Strengthening Cardiovascular System, Igniting VitalityThe heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood, and the vascular system is the pipeline system re...

One-Week yoga Plan: Tuesday, Strengthening Cardiovascular System, Igniting Vitality

The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood, and the vascular system is the pipeline system responsible for transporting blood throughout the body. It distributes blood from the heart to various tissues and organs throughout the body, delivering essential nutrients for bodily functions and removing metabolic waste products through organs like the lungs and kidneys. Cardiovascular diseases can lead to conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, and atherosclerosis.

Condition Test

If you often experience the following conditions, you need to focus on training to strengthen your cardiovascular system:

1. Pale complexion;

2. Feeling out of breath after climbing more than 5 flights of stairs;

3. Easily feeling fatigued;

4. Frequently lacking energy and feeling physically weak;

5. Rarely engaging in physical activity;

6. Feeling groggy upon waking up in the morning;

7. Dizziness and lightheadedness when fatigued;

8. Difficulty concentrating at times;

9. Walking with heavy footsteps;

10. Lacking enthusiasm for things you used to be interested in.

CHECK●The yoga practice shown in the image on the right targets the strengthening of the cardiovascular system. Through these exercises, you can improve blood vessel elasticity, alleviate heart palpitations and varicose veins, prevent atherosclerosis, balance blood pressure, and enhance blood circulation, effectively exercising your cardiovascular and pulmonary functions.

Chest Expansion Pose

Muscles Targeted: Deltoids, Pectoralis Major, Latissimus Dorsi

During the exercise, avoid hunching or shrugging your shoulders. Keep your upper body straight, and when performing stretching movements, extend your arms as much as possible to achieve optimal results.

1. Seated with bent knees, straight back

● Sit on the Yoga Mat with bent knees and a straight back, place your hands on your knees.

2. Clasp hands behind the back, fingers interlocked

● Clasp your hands behind your back, fingers interlocked, with your palms facing upward.

3. Lift both arms to the maximum extent

● Raise both arms upward and hold for a moment before returning to the original position. Repeat 5 times.

Backbend Pose

Muscles Targeted: Deltoids, Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps

During the exercise, lift your back off the ground, keep your shoulders in contact with the ground, and avoid using excessive force to tilt your head backward. The key is to hold the raised hips for a moment.

1. Lie down with bent knees, ankles close to the buttocks

● Lie down on the yoga mat, bend your knees, feet flat on the ground, and heels as close to your buttocks as possible.

2. Lift hips and back off the ground with force

● Stretch your arms straight on both sides, and lift your hips and back off the ground.

3. Shoulders touch the ground, interlock hands under the body

● Interlock your hands under your body, fingers interlaced, and use force in your shoulders. Tighten your thighs, keeping them parallel to the ground.

Backbend Bridge Pose

Muscles Targeted: Rectus Abdominis, External Oblique, Gastrocnemius

During the exercise, keep your shoulders in contact with the ground. If you are unable to complete the movement initially, you can start with your head against the wall, then raise both legs over your head and use the wall for support.

1. Lie down, lift both legs straight up

● Lie down with your hands by your sides. Keep your legs straight and perpendicular to the ground, with pointed toes.

2. Straighten both legs and lower them

● Slightly lower both legs to a 45-degree angle from the ground.

3. Move both feet towards the head, lift hips off the ground

● Extend both feet towards the head with force, push the ground with your hands, engage your waist, lift your hips off the ground, keep both legs parallel to the ground, and point your toes. Hold the position for a moment, then slowly lower your hips.

Leg Kicking Pose

Muscles Targeted: Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis, Quadriceps

When kicking, keep your legs straight and do not bend them. Relax your shoulders and avoid over-tensing your upper body.

1. Lie down, lift both legs straight up

● Lie on the yoga mat with your hands by your sides. Lift both legs straight up, perpendicular to the ground.

2. Separate both legs, pull the left leg closer to the body

● Keep both legs apart, hold the left leg with both hands, pull it towards the upper body, while the right leg moves down to form a 30-degree angle with the ground.

3. Switch legs, pull the right leg towards the body

● Switch legs, lift the right leg up, and lower the left leg. Hold the right leg with both hands, pull it towards the upper body, while the left leg forms a 30-degree angle with the ground. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Cobra Pose

Muscles Targeted: Serratus Anterior, Transverse Abdominis, Rhomboids

During the exercise, place your forehead on the ground, and avoid arching your head backward as it may strain your neck. Maintain natural breathing, and avoid holding your breath.

1. Prone position, forehead on the ground

● Lie face down on the yoga mat with your forehead on the ground. Place your hands on both sides of your ribcage and press against the ground.

2. Exert force with both arms, lift upper body

● Exert force with both hands to lift your upper body, looking straight ahead.

3. Turn the head to the left, look backward

● Turn your head to the left, looking towards your left foot, while keeping your upper body still.

4. Turn the head to the right, then relax

● Then turn your head to the right, looking towards your right foot, while keeping your upper body still. Finally, turn your head back to the center, bend your elbows, and slowly lower your body back to the yoga mat, relaxing completely.

Light Tap Pose

Muscles Targeted: Gluteus Maximus, Adductors, Biceps Femoris

While lying face down on the yoga mat, avoid shrugging your shoulders and keep your upper body relaxed. Place your hands under your forehead.

1. Prone position, forehead resting on the backs of hands

● Lie face down on the yoga mat with your forehead resting on your hands, which are crossed under your forehead. Slightly separate your feet.

2. Tighten the hips, lift both legs up

● Relax your shoulders, tighten your abdomen, and lift your hips off the ground, raising both legs backwards.

3. Bring both legs together, tap the heels together

● While your legs are off the ground, bring them together slowly, tapping your heels together gently.

Swinging Pose

Muscles Targeted: Gluteus Maximus, Adductors, Biceps Femoris

When lifting your upper body, maintain stability and avoid swaying. Do not arch your head backward, as it can put strain on your neck. Breathe naturally, and do not hold your breath.

1. Lie down, relax the whole body

● Lie down on the yoga mat, with your hands by your sides and your legs together.

2. Bend both legs and lift them up

● Bend your knees and lift both legs up, making your thighs perpendicular to the ground, and your shins parallel to the ground, forming a right angle at the knees.

3. Lift the shoulders, straighten both legs

● Lift your head, engage your shoulders, lift both legs up to form a 60-degree angle with the ground. Raise both arms to be parallel to the ground.

Wheel Pose

Muscles Targeted: Whole Body

Do not perform this pose immediately after backbends. Avoid practicing it when your body feels fatigued.

1. Lie down, hands above the shoulders

● Lie down with your back on the yoga mat, bend your arms, palms on the ground above your shoulders, fingers pointing towards your shoulders. Keep your feet apart at shoulder width, bend your knees, and place your feet near your hips.

2. Use force with both arms and legs to lift the body

● Use force with both arms and legs, supporting your upper body and hips off the ground simultaneously.

3. Raise the waist, forming a wheel shape with the body

● Lift the waist as high as possible, fully extending both arms and legs, forming a wheel shape with the body. Hold for 15 seconds, then slowly lower the hips back to the yoga mat, relaxing the entire body.

Remember to practice these yoga exercises regularly to strengthen your cardiovascular system, enhance your overall vitality, and improve your well-being. Always listen to your body and avoid overexertion. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine. Enjoy your yoga journey!

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