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Yoga Before Bed: Sleep Pose

Yoga Before Bed: Sleep PoseThe cervical and lumbar spine bear multiple pressures from the body and mind, making shoulder and back pain a common problem for modern people. This set ...

yoga Before Bed: Sleep Pose

The cervical and lumbar spine bear multiple pressures from the body and mind, making shoulder and back pain a common problem for modern people. This set of movements can massage the shoulders, neck, and lumbar spine, stretch the muscles and bones, and improve discomfort and stiffness.

1. Kneeling Position, Hands and Knees Supporting the Body

● Kneel on the bed, support the body with hands and knees, keeping them shoulder-width apart.

2. Lower the Upper Body, Lift the Hips

● Lower the shoulders, rest the left shoulder on the bed, face towards the right side. Stretch the left hand forward with the palm facing up; use the right hand to support on the bed.

3. Twist the Upper Body, Shoulder on the Bed

● Extend the right hand backward with the palm facing up, keeping both arms parallel to the shoulders. Twist the body, face upwards. Stay for a moment, slowly sit back on the heels, clench the fists, and place them under the forehead to relax and soothe. Repeat with the other hand.

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