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Morning Vitality Yoga: Sun Salutation

Morning Vitality Yoga: Sun SalutationThe Sun Salutation is a combination of movements that evenly distribute strength, transitioning from a forward bend to a backward arch. It can ...

Morning Vitality yoga: Sun Salutation

The Sun Salutation is a combination of movements that evenly distribute strength, transitioning from a forward bend to a backward arch. It can improve spinal issues, strengthen cardiovascular function, promote blood circulation, and yield noticeable adjustments and enhancements to the entire body.

1. Stand with feet together, gaze forward.

● Stand on a Yoga Mat, gaze forward. Extend and bring your legs together, placing your hands on either side of your body.

2. Bring hands together in front of the chest.

● Sweep both hands in a large circle from the sides, joining them together in front of the chest, engaging the abdomen and buttocks.

3. Slowly arch the head and upper body backward.

● Move both hands upward towards the top of the head, gently arching the head and upper body backward, keeping the eyes fixed on the hands. The arms should be close to the ears, the buttocks engaged, and the legs extended.

4. Lean the upper body forward until the hands touch the ground.

● Lean the body forward, keeping the back straight and not bent, and let the hands follow downward until they are beside the feet. Legs extended, relax the shoulders and neck, distributing the weight evenly on both feet.

5. Step the right leg back, right knee and toes on the ground.

● Take a big step back with the right foot, with the right knee on the ground and the toes on the ground. The left calf should be perpendicular to the ground, with both hands supporting on either side of the left leg. Press the hips downward and forward, engage the abdominal muscles, extend the back, and avoid shrugging the shoulders, looking forward.

6. Bring the legs together, lift the hips.

● Keep the position of the hands unchanged, bring the left foot back to meet the right foot. Lift the hips, keeping the palms and the heels of the feet on the ground. The back should form a straight line, legs extended, and the head between the arms, forming a triangle shape with the body.

7. Chin, chest, and both knees on the ground.

● Kneel with both knees on the ground, supporting with both hands without moving them. Press the chest and chin to the ground, with the abdomen lifted, gaze forward, relax the shoulders, and keep the elbows pointed upward.

8. Push up with both arms, arch the upper body.

● Keeping the position of the hands unchanged, slide the upper body up, allowing the abdomen and hips to touch the ground. Engage the abdominal muscles, expand the chest without shrugging the shoulders, extend the arms as much as possible, and tighten the buttocks.

9. Lift the hips, forming a triangle shape.

● Keeping the position of the hands unchanged, press the soles of the feet firmly to the ground, lift the hips, and return to the position of Step 6.

10. Step the right leg forward, into a lunge.

● Take a big step forward with the right leg, placing it between both hands, with the left knee on the ground and looking forward. The left calf should be perpendicular to the ground, and press the hips downward and forward.

11. Move the left leg forward to meet the right leg, stand up straight.

● Take a big step forward with the left leg, bringing it together with the right leg. Relax the shoulders and neck, returning to the position of Step 4.

12. Raise both hands in a praying position, arch the upper body backward.

● Raise both hands in a praying position over the head, slowly arch the head and upper body backward, following the movement of the hands with the eyes, with the arms close to the ears, engage the buttocks, and keep the legs extended without shrugging the shoulders. Slowly bring the hands back to the chest, stand up straight. Repeat the above sequence with the other leg.

Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is not only a physical exercise but a meditative practice that honors the sun as the source of life and energy. The flow of movements in the Sun Salutation represents a harmonious connection between the individual and the universe, encouraging a sense of gratitude and vitality.

Regular practice of Sun Salutation can help improve flexibility, balance, and posture while promoting mental clarity and inner peace. It serves as an excellent warm-up routine, preparing the body and mind for more advanced yoga poses or daily activities.

As you perform the Sun Salutation, focus on your breath, inhaling deeply during upward movements and exhaling during forward folds. Let your breath guide the flow, creating a rhythm that synchronizes with each pose.

Remember that yoga is a journey of self-discovery, and every practitioner is unique. Modify the Sun Salutation sequence to suit your body's needs and level of experience. The most important aspect of the practice is to listen to your body and practice with mindfulness and awareness.

Embrace the transformative power of the Sun Salutation, and may it brighten your day with renewed energy, strength, and a deep sense of well-being!

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