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Morning Vitality Yoga: Child's Pose

Morning Vitality Yoga: Child's PoseThis posture helps to relieve pressure in the pelvic region, allowing the body to curl up comfortably. During the practice, it is important t...

Morning Vitality yoga: Child's Pose

This posture helps to relieve pressure in the pelvic region, allowing the body to curl up comfortably. During the practice, it is important to relax the shoulders and neck to fully stretch, massage the spine, and ease tension in the back. If, at first, the head cannot pass through the legs, simply bring the feet closer to the head and continue with the practice.

1. Lie flat, lift both legs, soles of the feet facing each other.

● Lie flat on a Yoga Mat, relax the entire body, and spread the feet apart. Place both hands on either side of the body. Bend both legs and lift them above the body, with the soles of the feet touching each other.

2. Hold both feet with hands, pull them towards the head.

● Wrap both hands around both feet and pull them towards the head.

3. Lift the head off the ground and pass it between the legs.

● Lift the head off the ground and pull the feet towards the back of the head until the head passes through the space between the legs. Stay in this position for a moment.

Child's Pose, also known as Balasana, is a gentle and restorative yoga pose that offers multiple benefits. It is often used as a resting position during yoga practice to allow practitioners to relax, stretch, and breathe deeply.

This pose provides a gentle stretch to the back, hips, and thighs, promoting flexibility and relieving tension in the spine and lower back. It is an excellent pose for calming the mind and relieving stress, making it an ideal choice for starting or ending a yoga session.

As you practice Child's Pose, focus on your breath, inhaling deeply to expand the chest and exhaling fully to release any tension in the body. Allow the pose to be a moment of relaxation and surrender, letting go of any stress or worries.

Remember, yoga is a personal journey, and every body is unique. Feel free to modify the pose as needed to suit your comfort level and physical condition. With regular practice, Child's Pose can become a comforting and rejuvenating part of your daily yoga routine.

Enjoy the nurturing and soothing benefits of Child's Pose as you explore the depths of your practice!

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