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Yoga: Forward Bend Pose

Yoga: Forward Bend PoseIf the hip joints are relatively stiff, you can keep both feet on the ground, bend both knees, and sit on the yoga mat with a shoulder-width distance. Place ...

yoga: Forward Bend Pose

If the hip joints are relatively stiff, you can keep both feet on the ground, bend both knees, and sit on the Yoga Mat with a shoulder-width distance. Place both hands between the feet and stretch forward to the maximum.

1. Kneeling with Both Knees, Feet Facing Each Other

● Sit on the yoga mat with both knees bent and feet facing each other, palms resting on the knees.

2. Pressing Both Knees with Both Hands

● Gaze forward, keep the back straight. Inhale deeply, fully stretch the upper body, and press both knees with both hands.

3. Slowly Leaning the Upper Body Forward

● Slowly lean the upper body forward to the maximum extent, holding for 20 seconds.

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