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Restore and Nourish Your Hair, Achieve Lustrous and Smooth Tresses

Restore and Nourish Your Hair, Achieve Lustrous and Smooth TressesHair quality is the key to whether hair looks beautiful or not. No matter how much effort you put into styling you...
  • Restore and Nourish Your Hair, Achieve Lustrous and Smooth Tresses
    • 1. Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose)
    • 2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
    • 3. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
    • 4. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full Wheel Pose)
    • 5. Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)
    • 6. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
  • Restore and Nourish Your Hair, Achieve Lustrous and Smooth Tresses

    Hair quality is the key to whether hair looks beautiful or not. No matter how much effort you put into styling your hair, if it's dry, dull, split, or causing scalp issues, how can it look gorgeous? To have good hair quality, internal strength is essential. By consistently practicing yoga, you can fundamentally improve your hair quality. Take action now!

    1. Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose)


    • Stretches the spine, promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, and nourishes the hair.

    • Promotes blood circulation in the thighs and hips, reduces fat accumulation in the lower body, and beautifies the leg lines.


    1. Sit in a kneeling position, hands naturally hanging on the sides of the body, eyes gaze forward, and adjust your breath.

    Repeat 5 times

    2. Lift your hips off your heels to get into a kneeling position. Keep the left leg stable and take a step forward with the right foot, bending the right knee and placing the right foot on the ground.


    Before practicing this pose, you might want to do some leg stretches to increase leg flexibility. Then proceed with this pose to reduce the risk of injury during exercise.

    3. Adjust your body balance and slide the left foot backward, extending it as much as possible, with the left foot arch and outer calf touching the ground.

    4. Use both hands to support the ground and push your body downward. Slowly slide the right leg forward, straighten both legs, and bring them into a straight line. Keep your hands together in front of your chest. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds.

    5. Bring your legs back and return to the initial position. Gently massage the inner thigh muscles, rest for a moment, then switch to the other side and repeat the movements. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds.

    2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)


    • Accelerates blood flow back to the head, improves blood circulation in the scalp, enhances scalp metabolism, and strengthens hair roots.

    • Improves flexibility of the waist and back, relieves discomfort such as lower back pain.


    Repeat 5 times

    1. Lie down on the mat with your legs extended together and your arms naturally at the sides of the body. Adjust your breath.

    2. Inhale and lift both legs off the ground, keeping them as vertical as possible. Maintain the posture for 10 seconds and adjust your body balance.

    3. Take another deep breath, keep the upper body posture unchanged, extend both legs toward the head, lifting the lower back off the mat.

    4. Exhale and place the toes in front of the head, simultaneously straightening both legs, feeling the compression in the back.

    5. Bend both legs, trying to touch the knees to both ears while making fists with both hands and extending the arms. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds.

    6. Then return to the lying position, place your hands on your abdomen, and relax your whole body.


    For this pose, you need some flexibility in your waist and back. If you find it difficult, you can try the Plow Pose first until your waist and back become more flexible, then attempt this pose.

    3. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)


    • Effectively stimulates intestinal peristalsis, improves kidney metabolism, nourishes the hair.

    • Stretches the spine effectively, increases spine flexibility, and relieves back pain.


    Repeat 5 times

    1. Lie down on the mat with both legs extended together, arms naturally at the sides of the body, and adjust your breath.

    2. Bend both knees, bringing the heels as close to the buttocks as possible, and maintain steady breathing.

    3. Inhale, hold the ankles with both hands as close as possible to the heels, and tighten the waist and abdomen. Lift the waist and abdomen, lifting the thighs and entire back off the mat.

    4. Hold the ankles with both hands, continue lifting the body upwards until the thighs are parallel to the ground, forming a bridge shape with the entire body. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds. Then place the body back on the ground, with hands at the sides, and relax the whole body.

    4. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full Wheel Pose)


    • Exercises the spine, promotes blood circulation in the upper back, and nourishes the hair from the roots.

    • Fully exercises and massages the abdominal organs, strengthens the kidneys, and accelerates the body's waste metabolism.


    Repeat 4 times

    1. Sit in the lotus position, straighten your back, hands naturally hanging on the sides of the body, and eyes gaze forward.

    2. Take a deep breath and stretch both arms upwards from the sides of the body, extending the spine upward.

    3. Take another deep breath, bend the upper body forward, extend the arms forward, and place the palms on the ground. Try to bring the upper body as close to the legs as possible, with the forehead touching the ground. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds, then return to the initial sitting position, relax the whole body.

    5. Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)


    • Effectively stretches the spine, improves body blood circulation, and nourishes the hair, promoting a healthy and youthful appearance.

    • Stretches and exercises the side waist muscles, prevents excess fat accumulation in the waist and abdomen, and beautifies the waist and abdomen lines.


    1. Stand in the Mountain Pose, straighten your back, hands naturally hanging on the sides of the body, and adjust your breath.

    Repeat 3 times

    2. Separate your feet about shoulder-width apart. Turn the left toe to the left side, slightly turn the right toe outward, and raise both arms to shoulder height. Adjust your breath.


    During this pose, try to keep the outstretched arms in a straight line and feel the stretch in the waist and side muscles.

    3. Bend the left leg and place the left foot as close to the left thigh as possible, with both hands holding the ankles.

    4. Rotate the upper body, let the right hand reach for the inside of the left foot ankle, point the left hand toward the sky, and turn the head to look at the left fingertips. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds.

    5. Release both hands and legs, switch sides, and repeat the exercise. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds, then return to the Mountain Pose and rest.

    6. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)


    • Nourishes the back through spinal twisting, accelerates blood circulation in the back, and enhances hair color.

    • Improves upper body posture, helps correct hunching and bad posture.


    1. Sit in the cross-legged position, straighten your back, arms naturally at the sides of the body, and adjust your breath.

    Repeat 5 times

    2. Keep the left leg extended and stable. Bend the right leg and place the right foot over the left knee. Place the right foot outside the left knee.

    3. Inhale, bend the left leg, bringing the left foot as close to the right hip as possible, and hold both feet with your hands.


    During the exercise, keep the upper body tense and upright, avoiding hunching or bending forward.

    4. Hug the outer side of the right thigh with the left hand, extend the right hand forward, feeling the stretch in the spine.

    5. Keep the legs and the left hand in position, extend the right hand backward until the right fingertips touch the area behind the right hip. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds.

    6. Release both legs, switch their positions and the twisting direction, repeat the exercise. Maintain the posture for 20 seconds, then return to the regular sitting position and rest.

    Please indicate the address of this article for reprint https://www.sportshealthprogram.com/learn-yoga/202307771.html

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