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How to Regulate Restlessness and Anxious Emotions through Yoga

How to Regulate Restlessness and Anxious Emotions through YogaIn daily life and work, we often encounter various problems that require us to make the right judgments or choices. So...

How to Regulate Restlessness and Anxious Emotions through yoga

In daily life and work, we often encounter various problems that require us to make the right judgments or choices. Sometimes, a wrong decision can lead to deep regrets, causing us to become increasingly indecisive. When facing pressure and challenges, you can turn to yoga for inspiration.

Meditation Pose

When emotions are restless and you feel indecisive, try using a smile and gentle movements to clear your mind and help you make the right judgments.

1. Close your eyes, relax your shoulders

● You can do this while standing or sitting. Relax your facial muscles, close your eyes, and slowly raise and then lower your heavy shoulders. Let go of all the cluttered thoughts and meditate for 1 minute.

2. Gently rotate your head and neck, relax naturally

● You can do this while standing or sitting. Relax your facial muscles, close your eyes, and gently rotate your neck up and down, left and right. Organize your chaotic thoughts and adjust your mood.

3. Place fingers on the forehead, adjust and calm your breath

● Assume the lotus position, sitting on a Yoga Mat, with a relaxed face. Place the middle finger of your right hand on the forehead, with the index and middle fingers together. Gently press the left nostril with the ring finger and breathe through the right nostril. Then, gently press the right nostril with the thumb, hold your breath for a moment, release the ring finger, and breathe through the left nostril. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

4. Meditate to dispel worries in the lotus position

● Place both hands on your knees, palms facing upward, bend and touch the thumbs and index fingers together, forming a circle, and let the other three fingers naturally extend. Close your eyes and meditate for 1 minute.

Regularly incorporating these simple yoga exercises into your daily routine can help calm your mind, reduce restlessness, and alleviate anxious emotions. Taking a few minutes to practice these techniques can bring greater clarity and tranquility to your life.

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