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Back Yoga Exercises

Back Yoga ExercisesSimple yet effective movements to create distinct shoulder and neck curves, improve issues like rounded shoulders and hunched back, and have a noticeable impact ...

Back yoga Exercises

Simple yet effective movements to create distinct shoulder and neck curves, improve issues like rounded shoulders and hunched back, and have a noticeable impact on eliminating fat on the outer side of the upper arms.

1. Prone Position, Arms Lifted Backward and Upward

● Lie on the Yoga Mat face down, legs together, arms spread out. Slowly lift the right arm backward and upward, lifting the right side of the body as well. Hold for a moment, then switch sides.

2. Kneeling, Sit Upright, Hands on the Ground

● Sit upright with a straight back, hands on both sides of the body, fingertips pointing towards the legs. Keep the legs straight and together, naturally bend the knees, and point the toes forward.

3. Arms Engaged, Body Lifted Upward

● Engage the arms and lift the upper body, moving the arms forward. Palms should not leave the ground.

Back Exercise II

Can be performed anytime when feeling fatigued; not only improves rounded back and hunched chest issues, but also makes the shoulders and back more flexible, eliminating stiffness, and sculpting perfect side waist curves.

1. Stand with Feet Apart

● Stand on the yoga mat, looking forward, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing straight ahead, arms naturally at the sides.

2. Stretch Arms Sideways Along the Body

● Raise both arms to the sides, parallel to the body and at shoulder height, palms facing downward.

3. Arms Twist the Body to One Side

● Twist the upper body to the left, rotating the arms. Place the right hand on the left shoulder, and the left hand wraps around the body and rests on the right hip. Eyes look towards the back-left. Hold for a moment, then switch sides.

Back Exercise III

Enhances shoulder joint flexibility, relieves back tension and stiffness, and has a good sculpting and massaging effect on the entire back.

1. Prone Position, Legs Apart, Hands on the Ground

● Lie face down on the yoga mat, hands under the shoulders to support the upper body, legs slightly apart and as wide as the hips, shoulders relaxed.

2. Prone Position, Lift Upper Body as High as Possible

● Return to the prone position on the yoga mat, relax, and lift the upper body, hands resting on both sides of the body, legs slightly apart and as wide as the hips. Hold for a moment.

3. Lift All Limbs, Body in an Arch

● Return to the prone position on the yoga mat, relax, and raise both arms straight up, lifting the legs slightly apart as well. Eyes look down, and the entire body forms an arch.

Back Exercise IV

Tightens upper body muscles and eliminates excess fat, providing excellent shaping effects on the chest and back muscles.

1. Stand, Clench Fists and Raise Arms Forward

● Stand on the yoga mat, looking forward, back straight, legs extended, feet apart at shoulder-width. Clench fists, raise both arms forward in front of the body, fists shoulder-width apart, palms facing downward.

2. Rotate the Body to the Right as Far as Possible

● Keep the distance between the arms constant, and ensure the shoulders are at the same height. Rotate the upper body to the left as far as possible.

3. Rotate the Body to the Left

● Bring the body back to the center and then twist to the right as far as possible.

Additional Content:

To maximize the benefits of back yoga exercises, it is recommended to perform a warm-up routine before starting the practice. Warm-up exercises can help prepare the body for the following movements and reduce the risk of injury. Some effective warm-up exercises include shoulder rolls, neck stretches, and gentle spinal twists. Additionally, incorporating deep breathing throughout the yoga practice can promote relaxation and enhance the mind-body connection, making the experience even more rewarding.

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