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Yoga Before Bed: Half Bow Pose

Yoga Before Bed: Half Bow PoseThe key to this pose is not to use your arms to lift your legs and feet, but to use the strength of your thighs to lift your upper body. This sequence...

yoga Before Bed: Half Bow Pose

The key to this pose is not to use your arms to lift your legs and feet, but to use the strength of your thighs to lift your upper body. This sequence of movements massages the muscles of the shoulders, back, hips, and thighs, making it very suitable for those with stiff limbs. It can activate the body's energy channels and is highly recommended.

1. Lie face down, with feet slightly apart

● Lie on the bed with your face down, and keep your feet slightly apart with the tops of your feet resting on the bed. Place your hands by your sides, palms facing upward.

2. Lift the left leg, and grip it with your right hand

● Extend your left hand forward, lift your right leg, and use your right hand to reach back and grab your left foot.

● Use your left hand as support and lift your left leg to raise your upper body.

3. Support with the left hand, and lift the right leg

4. Stretch the left hand and the right leg to the maximum

● Lift your left hand and turn your upper body to the right. Stretch your left leg and right arm to the maximum and hold the pose for a moment. Switch sides and repeat the movement.

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