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Yoga Before Bed: Rabbit Pose

Yoga Before Bed: Rabbit PoseThis pose massages the brain, stretches the cervical spine, massages the shoulders, and eliminates fatigue and heaviness. If you are unable to place you...

yoga Before Bed: Rabbit Pose

This pose massages the brain, stretches the cervical spine, massages the shoulders, and eliminates fatigue and heaviness. If you are unable to place your hands on the back of your head or move them forward toward the top of your head, you can stay in Step 3, which will also have a positive effect. Note: After performing any head-down poses, you should relax using Step 6 to allow the blood to flow back slowly, avoiding dizziness or discomfort caused by getting up too quickly.

1. Begin in the Thunderbolt Pose

● Kneel on the bed with your buttocks resting on your heels, and place your hands on your knees.

2. Bend forward, touch the forehead to the ground

● Bend your head forward and touch your forehead to the bed, stretch your arms forward beyond your head.

3. Lift the hips, touch the top of the head to the ground

● Lift your hips off your heels, touch the top of your head to the bed, support yourself with both elbows, and place your palms facing down.

4. Cross the hands behind and lift them up

● Cross your fingers behind your back, tighten your shoulder blades, and extend your arms as straight as possible, perpendicular to the ground.

5. Move both arms upward toward the top of the head

● Move both arms forward toward the floor and as far as possible, reaching towards the top of the head.

6. Sit back on the heels and relax

● After holding for 15 seconds, slowly sit back on your heels, interlace your hands and place them under your forehead, hold the pose for a moment.

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