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Yoga Before Bed: Inverted Triangle Pose

Yoga Before Bed: Inverted Triangle PoseInversion can promote blood circulation, slow down aging, and prevent organ prolapse, but it is not suitable for people with high blood press...

yoga Before Bed: Inverted Triangle Pose

Inversion can promote blood circulation, slow down aging, and prevent organ prolapse, but it is not suitable for people with high blood pressure and certain medical conditions. Performing a true inversion requires strong abdominal and arm muscles, and professional guidance, which may not be achievable for many people, so do not force it. The Inverted Triangle Pose can also achieve the above benefits, using the strength of the feet, elbows, and abdomen to support the body, but be sure to protect the neck. The movements should be gentle, and avoid getting up too quickly.

1. Begin in the Thunderbolt Pose

● Kneel on the bed with your buttocks resting on your heels, and place your hands on your knees.

2. Bend the elbows, forearms on the ground

● Bend your upper body forward, place your elbows shoulder-width apart on the bed. The upper arms and forearms form a 90° angle, clasp your hands together, and face downwards.

3. Top of the head touches the ground, hands encircle the head

● The top of your head touches the ground, with the back of your head close to the palms of your hands.

4. Lift the heels, extend both legs

● Extend both legs and lift your heels, rising onto the balls of your feet.

5. Move both feet to maintain balance

● Slowly move both feet toward your head, engage your abdominal muscles, and place the top of your head on the ground, making sure your neck does not extend beyond your hands.

6. Kneel and relax, soothe the whole body

● Stay in this position for a moment, then move your feet back and slowly kneel down. Sit back on your heels, interlace your hands and place them under your forehead to relax and soothe your body.

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