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Yoga Before Bed: Plow Pose

Yoga Before Bed: Plow PoseThe Plow Pose helps to stretch the back muscles, massage the spinal nerves and internal organs, promote blood circulation throughout the body, enhance dig...

yoga Before Bed: Plow Pose

The Plow Pose helps to stretch the back muscles, massage the spinal nerves and internal organs, promote blood circulation throughout the body, enhance digestion, alleviate constipation, regulate sleep and menstrual cycles, stimulate the thyroid, and improve the immune system. If performing this set of movements is challenging, do not force it. You can place two pillows stacked behind your head and rest your feet on the pillows.

1. Lie flat, legs extended and together

● Lie flat on the bed with arms extended and palms facing down. Keep your legs straight and together.

2. Lift both legs, perpendicular to the ground

● Lift both legs to form a right angle with the ground. Hold for 15 seconds.

3. Engage arms, use force to lift hips off the ground

● Push the ground with both hands to lift the hips off the ground.

4. Keep both legs parallel to the ground

● Support the lower back with your hands, place elbows on the bed, and move both feet towards the head. Keep both legs parallel to the ground.

5. Touch the toes to the ground above the head

● Touch the toes to the surface of the bed above the head, keeping both legs straight and together. Extend the arms straight underneath the body, palms facing down, or interlace the fingers and stretch them underneath the body.

6. Slowly descend, engaging the abdominal muscles

● Stay in this position for 15 seconds while maintaining natural breathing. Use your hands to support the waist and gently lower the hips. Control the speed of lowering the legs, using the strength of the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

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