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Yoga Before Bed: Side Bend Pose

Yoga Before Bed: Side Bend PoseThis pose massages the shoulder blades and spine, helping to alleviate any feelings of soreness. You can try different angles, such as bringing the l...

yoga Before Bed: Side Bend Pose

This pose massages the shoulder blades and spine, helping to alleviate any feelings of soreness. You can try different angles, such as bringing the legs close to the hips, lifting the legs, or touching the legs to the ground, to experience varying degrees of stretching and massage.

1. Lie on your stomach, with feet slightly apart

● Lie on the bed with arms extended and palms facing up. Keep your feet slightly apart.

2. Grip the right foot with the left hand, extend the right arm

● Extend the right arm to the side of the body, parallel to the shoulder, with fingers spread wide. Lift the right foot, bringing it close to the hips, and grip the right foot with the left hand behind the body.

3. Raise the right foot, lifting the left arm and upper body

● Lift the right foot with force, while raising the left arm.

4. Lower the right leg to the ground, twist the body

● Use the left hand to pull the right foot towards the left side until it touches the bed. Keep the right hand on the bed, face towards the right, and hold for a moment. Repeat the movement by switching hands, feet, and direction.

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