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Yoga: Stretching Pose

Yoga: Stretching PoseThis is a series of balancing movements that enhance body coordination and flexibility, eliminate excess body fat, and cultivate focus and perseverance....

yoga: Stretching Pose

This is a series of balancing movements that enhance body coordination and flexibility, eliminate excess body fat, and cultivate focus and perseverance.

1. Stand, lift the right leg with the right hand

● Stand tall, gaze ahead, legs extended and together, hands resting at your sides. Shift your weight to the left foot, lift the right leg, and use the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the right hand to hold the big toe of the right foot. Place the left hand on the hip, keep the body upright, and raise the right knee.

2. Slowly extend the right leg forward

● Gradually stretch the right leg forward, keeping the left leg straight and the body upright. Hold for 30 seconds.

3. Pull the right leg towards the right side of the body

● Slowly pull the right leg towards the right side of the body, hold for 30 seconds, then bring the right leg back to the front of the body, hold for 30 seconds. Bend the right knee, release the grip on the right toes, and switch legs.

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