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Partner Side Stretch · Yoga

Partner Side Stretch · YogaThis sequence of movements aims to correct the spine and enhance the graceful lines of the body and arms. Be mindful not to let the feet slide when they ...

Partner Side Stretch · yoga

This sequence of movements aims to correct the spine and enhance the graceful lines of the body and arms. Be mindful not to let the feet slide when they press against each other from the inside, and apply force evenly during the stretch to maintain a stable center of gravity and prevent any possible falls.

1. Stand shoulder to shoulder, hands loosely clasped.

● Partners A and B stand on the Yoga Mat, legs slightly apart, approximately shoulder-width distance. The inner sides of their legs are pressing against each other gently. With their gaze forward, the partners clasp their hands naturally, hanging down by their sides.

2. Outer hands clasped above the head.

● Partners A and B clasp their outer hands together above their heads.

3. Simultaneously bend the knees into a lunge.

● Partners A and B bend the knees of their outer legs, lowering into a lunge position gradually.

4. Stretch forcefully towards both sides.

● Partners A and B pull towards their respective outer sides, stretching the waist sideways, and hold the position for a moment.

5. Swap positions and repeat the exercise.

● Partners A and B switch positions and repeat the above movements.

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